Justin Robbins kicked off ICMI’s Contact Center Conference and Expo this evening with a lesson in making meaningful connections. For those that may have missed today’s welcome keynote, Justin shared the following 7 tips to improve our ability to make meaningful connections with our co-workers, our customers and everyone here at #CCExpo! 1. We’re All Here To Get Connected – The ICMI Conference, much like Disney, is about the experience. Don’t miss out on the magic that’s around every corner. Make the most of every round-table, every break-out session, every keynote, every vendor booth, every networking event and every topic chat on the conference app!2. Be Genuine – You may think this is easier said than done, but there is only one you regardless of the situation you find yourself in. I’d like to challenge you to take note of your actions, words and behaviors in various situations next week when you’re back in the office. Are you consistently recognizable? That’s the number one attribute of being genuine in my book. 3. Pay Ridiculous Attention – Justin, does tweeting count? I sure hope so!4. Spend More Time Together – I get it. You’re in the middle of Disney – the most magical place on earth – where there is no shortage of incredible things to experience. But, before you decide that riding Test Track at Epcot is more fun than the awesome Food Truck Lunch and Learn that ICMI has planned tomorrow, consider this scenario…. Go to the Food Truck Lunch and Learn, meet some new people, learn some new things, download the conference app, find a group to go to Epcot with (after the Awards Dinner) in the topic chats, and do both! 5. Be Patiently Persistent – This is the key to continuous improvement! You do not have to transform your contact center in a day, a week or even a month after the ICMI Conference. Lots of small changes can make a huge impact! Not sure where to start? After each session you attend, write out the following:Objectives – What specific goals can you set based on what you learned?Tasks – What needs to be done to achieve the goals?Success Factors – What metrics will you need to measure success?Schedule – What time frame is needed to achieve the desired outcome?Resources – What or who is needed to complete each task?Now you have a personal action plan!6. Make Real Friends – Always be thinking long-term. The connections you make during the ICMI Conference shouldn’t fizzle out the moment you hop on your respective flights home. It’s an omnichannel world so, make omnichannel friends. Exchange business cards, connect on LinkedIn, set up a monthly meetup at a local coffee shop or via Skype. The opportunities are endless!7. Remain Unforgettable – Laura Weisberger, a 16-year-old cross country and track runner from Ridgewood, N.J., said – “I run because I can. Because when I do, there’s always the chance to be extraordinary. A chance to start unknown and to finish unforgettable”. Think of your contact center career as a marathon. You’re here at the ICMI Conference because you can be. But that’s not quite good enough. You need to share your challenges, share your triumphs and share your perspectives. You never know what someone else will find extraordinary. I hope this helps you make some meaningful, life-long connections here at the 2018 ICMI Conference and Expo! Looking forward to seeing you all bright and early tomorrow!